Sunday, March 20, 2011

Kalyug? Maybe! For me its just a change!

Meerabai - a saint, a singer, one of the only devotees and lover of Lord Krishna! An icon from Rajasthan and one of the leading saints of the Vaishnava Bhakti Movement. It might be a myth or a reality but her love for Krishna symbolized the ideal love for many of her own followers and Krishna’s. Following ideals is always a big ordeal and suffering from people who pretend to follow is greater ordeal.

Today I prayed to Lord Vishnu, Krishna and Meerabai herself. I asked them to forgive me for what I was going to do next. I knew they would forgive me because they are not judgemental like people are, and they know what I did symbolized something from the weird world that we might call as KALYUG or just some horror changes happening in our lifestyle that are shameful. My step my shock my own supporters, but then I don’t care.

Today I burnt down the idol of Meerabai that I had bought as a symbol of pure love. A love that what we call today as platonic friendship or some shit like that! I had no right to burn her down, I burnt down what I expected in the wrong time. Maybe I burnt down the person or people whom I somewhat felt where like Meerabai. I was wrong doing that because Meerabai was Meerabai, pure and real! No one can really replace someones greatness just like me or any better artist cannot replace Michael Jackson no matter how close they might perform.

The burning down marked a huge change in my life tonight. I burnt down all expectations, ideals and faith in people I force my faith into. Its not about trusting or not trusting someone, but its about knowing that no one is going to be the same person after some time, there are only a few who stay 18 till they die. That was an example, but yes.. there really are people who never change with the influence of society, religion or paternal conditioning.

For people who know me since long, I only had once inspiration for my art or whatever kindness that lives in me for anyone. There was only ONE and I was forced by the society and the religious morals to wipe it off and was left out blank. The flame flickered somewhere and it existed as an inspiration, yet it couldn’t really inspire me anymore. Todays burnt Meera will be my inspiration now to write and compose songs, to click photographs, to make paintings in future and mainly counsel people into believing that someone like Meerabai existed for real, she will exist even now but don’t make the mistake of comparing some living person in a short time with such legendary lives!

P.S for THEFINALMIRACLE users - Life was expected to change in April, but its changing 1 month before. I don’t know how astrologically or as a psychic. But I am happy. I think its changing to create unexpected results which I always end up with! I love my life now!

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